Beware when selling

Prospecting Australia

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Walshie next time he tells you he knows where you live very calmly reply that's ok as I also know where you do ?

All the same be cautious as your obviously not up against a "normal" person Few bricks short of a load, few slices short of a loaf etc so be wary indeed. Had a very similar situation recently with a person I dealt with and as the saying goes you can't reason with an idiot.
Good luck and I feel for you as I know the uneasy feeling it gives one when dealing with this type of thing.
Thanks for the replies guys. Really appreciate the support. I'm not too worried as I feel he was just trying to intimidate me and I feel they were empty threats. But you never know I spose which is why I contacted the poilice. And also its made them aware that this guy is behaving irrationally and makes it easier to explain myself if I'm forced to defend myself. I am also confident in the fact I can defend myself better than he can attack and if he was to throw a brick through my window or something he would be a prime suspect whose details are all known by myself and police. I honestly don't think he would do anything given his profession and his eccentric, nerdy, reserved personality.
Can never be too sure but I sure as hell won't be losing any sleep over it.
The cctv is a great idea rm. I don't really want to outlay the money to get a system set up based on this idiot though
All in all it is worrying to say the least, having sold a pointer this guy would also presume that you have the gear to go with it, my golden flee bay rulenever ever let someone come over to pickup but that said this guy might have spent his last $120 and was pissed off he spent his dinner money.
Just keep an eye out. 8)
Walshie, Be careful because the purchase from you might have been a way to find out where you live so they can come back later and steal your prospecting gear, I have seen it happen mate, Not trying to worry you but get some of those hunting cameras and lay them around the place, I don't trust this guy one bit,

Good luck mate,, john
Walshie. Sorry it's happening mate. Scrounger did say "the world's gone mad". Doesn't really add up to me though. If he just wanted to find out where a prospector lived so that he could nab his gear, then why create a such hoohaa and draw attention to himself with the law. He'd just lay low, wait a few months then do it - but who's saying he's not "coming in on three engines"? I think he's just a nutter and you're less likely to be robbed than vandalised. Agree re the trail cams and epoxy reprisal suggestions.
I completely agree mate. I don't think he would have kicked up such a stink over a non issue or his apparent poor judgment if his plan is to rob or vandalise. There's pictures of the pinpointer in the for sale section if you wanna check it out. Its in good condition etc.
I'm just glad I know absolutely everything about him. All contact details, name, address, rego, profession (previous and current), place of work, hobbies etc. Took a few hours to track down all the info and cross reference it to be sure. Hook, line and sinker.
Just like detecting boys, pays to do your research haha