Australian Bushfire advice and information

Prospecting Australia

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My sister lives in garfield and has evacuated. Mum and dad are on stand by and we are in the middle of 2 fires. No threat to us at the moment. Phew. But i feel for all affected and raise a glass for everyone helping to fight the fires :beer: . True aussie legends :power:
Heatho said:
I saw on the weather radar today that one of the fires was so intense and the plume so big it was actually creating it's own lightning. Very terrible fires hope no one gets hurt, sadly though quite a few properties have been lost. :awful:
My wife showed me something very interesting on her weather map yesterday, there was no cloud on the radar but over the fire effected areas there was a tiny cloud that looked like a cyclone type thing ! Smoke ? Or the fire making its own weather pattern?
bumdags said:
My sister lives in garfield and has evacuated. Mum and dad are on stand by and we are in the middle of 2 fires. No threat to us at the moment. Phew. But i feel for all affected and raise a glass for everyone helping to fight the fires :beer: . True aussie legends :power:
Hi bumdags
Our thoughts go out to your sister and everyone caught up in this dreadful dreadful situation :heart:
And 3 cheers for all the people fighting the fire :Y: as you said, true aussie legends :Y:
That tiny thing on the weather radar was called a pyro-cumulus LW.
Where the heat from the fires is so intense that the air rises to higher than it normally would, and at some speed, it does two things: It creates friction (and hence the lightning), and the rising air cools down sufficiently to condense out the water vapour it is carrying. That's the visible cloud. Same process, except the cause of the convection is the fire rather than anything else.
Bush Chook said:
That tiny thing on the weather radar was called a pyro-cumulus LW.
Where the heat from the fires is so intense that the air rises to higher than it normally would, and at some speed, it does two things: It creates friction (and hence the lightning), and the rising air cools down sufficiently to condense out the water vapour it is carrying. That's the visible cloud. Same process, except the cause of the convection is the fire rather than anything else.

Thanks bush Chook :Y: very interesting and informative :perfect:
It must be a really big , intense fire to create that !
A fire near here I just took this pic with my phone
It looks like its on the other side of the highway
Was started by lightening a few days ago

Well Australia is certainly a land of contradictions, flood, drought fire.

At least these Victorian fires appear to be the work of nature and not some mad bloke looking for a kick. But as said above, if it is true that some greenies tied themselves to the machinery, then yes they need gaol time, might get a different type of experience in there. I mean, if anyone was killed, God forbid) in the area where theses machines were going to operate, then they could be charged with involuntary manslaughter. Don't know if that's the law in Victoria but it demonstrates the seriousness of their idiotic actions.
RM Outback said:
It's pretty bad down there :N: spoke to a mate yesterday who was busy moving stock and getting ready for the onslaught. His wife and daughter had already evacuated, haven't heard any more other than the news reports. The volunteers are priceless :Y: :power:. Our daughters partner told me of Greenies tying themselves to bulldozers and excavators in the black range that were called for to help fight the fires and put in fire breaks :mad: The machines didn't go but the operators did. These people even though their payed contractors are the unsung heroes :clap: :clap: :clap: of these large fires without them it would be impossible to contain any fire in some of this country. I've met some of these blokes and they know the steep timber country like the back of their hand, their multi generation timber cutters and the right people for the job. Not all of the fires are in steep country but where it is these machines and operators are invaluable.
they should have given the greenies a live sapling to beat out any flames in front of the dozens
Manpa said:
If it is true about the greenies locking themselves to heavy equipment to prevent its use they should be charged and front the courts and named and shamed. Not sure what the charges would be, fail to obey police instruction, trespass etc.
Bloody disgraceful behaviour.

Well folks it's all over the radio today, someone must have read my post :p anyway it's true dinks IT HAPPENED and one of the scumbags even had the Gaulle to go on 3AW and try to defend their actions :mad: :mad: :mad: :fistpump: :fistpump: :fistpump: I only just caught a summary of what was said.

It is nothing short of disgraceful and when ever you visit a polling booth at any election and the Greens are handing out their how to toilet paper ballot examples. PLEASE remind them of this despicable act in a loud voice for everyone to hear.
It's not just Victoria either. Esperance shire has had fires going from mid January. A task force was sent down last Monday from Perth to help out and they are still there. To all the firefighters out there stay safe
Here is a current heat map of the fires in Australia. At last count with all states and territories combined we have had around 6.28 million hectares of land burnt.

I know it doesnt stop the pain and greef , but Australia has a total of 769 million hectares and 134 million hectares of forest , so 6 odd million is a fraction of what could be burnt when it as dry as it is over the whole country.
thedigger said:
This is not the only reports on fires deliberately lit :mad:
Was Captain of a Fire & Rescue Crew for 31 years and was totally shocked at about the 20 year point when one of the senior management called me in to tell me our F&R Chief was to be sacked that day. This man came from a Professional Fire Team in the UK and was highly respected team member. A watch had been placed on him when fires began mysteriously on company bushland. The Fire Chief attended any fire 24/7 and he was paid a callout of substantial amount. It was proven with surveillance camera evidence that he was lighting the fires deliberately.