Aussie Gold Hunters

Prospecting Australia

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So disappointed I miss all this s**t, only have one life so living it in the real world.
Has become noticeable in WA this year many newbies turning up with their shiny new detectors with out a clue about rules and regulations, expecting to pick up gold like fallen oranges under a tree.
These reality show producers should be made to display what the actual laws are.
Detectors have been confiscated, fines handed out and people named and shamed.
Some will say that it is the individuals responsibility to read all the do's and don'ts but we are now back in the real world? If the TV shows display it, it must be true. :mad:
AngerManagement said:
I giggled so hard I almost lost my teeth and then fell off the chair.

If you found it and then cleaned it and then recreated it for the camera = Say so.

Making out it was a live dig = I am not convinced. Never known a sov holder to be dust and water proof, it was like new.

Yes it was a little too easy with the holder in perfect condition.

well said nightjar ,whilst prospecting in tibooburra me an the missus were prospecting and another forum member ,we had a another two prospectors land on us no more than 50 meters away from me,and start prospecting and not only started up one machine but two , so u imagine the noise coming through my machine (7000 trying to sub grm bits) we just spent days finding this area and to have them land on us like that so u imagined what went on . ]:D ]:D ]:D ]:D i grew up in this area all of my life and there certain things u just don,t do, i walked away that day feeling very disharted with society and had to explain to the missus (on her first trip) this is what gold can do to people i felt ashamed of what just went on and reinforced that not all prospectors r not like this . But its finally made it out too one of the most remote areas of nsw and my place where i thought i was immune to the b........s....t so i can see where u coming from .
Ward69 said:
Gpx5000 said:
Yeah the coin holder isn't even dirty....or tarnished, what a joke!!
The main question I have about the video. Is the metal gate holder in the post. Most metal detectors would go crazy, next to that. And the statement at the start of the show. The ground is to wet to start That tree hasnt seen any rain.

Agree with both of those statements. That is why i never watch these type of shows.
Re (The condition of those coins is amazing)

I have not seen the show, but umpteen years ago, SWMBO found a gold Sovereign when we were detecting at a Cobb and Co site in FNQ, the ground was damp and when she showed it to me it was bright and shinny and I thought she had found a Dollar. But she may have rubber the coin, prior to showing me, it was like it was just minted.
I think that pure gold does not oxidize at all and it should remain in good condition in most circumstances. One of the characteristics that makes gold special.
LoneWolf said:
I can see the same on the Opal Fields too.... Won't be too long before they take out the vital Pillar.....


But that is where the best stuff is that the old timers missed............................. :argh:
:Y: Something to look forward to, might not appeal to everyone but I enjoy the show, a lot more real than some of the BS on TV, and though we might suspect a bit of staging the show doesn't misrepresent how tough some of the Aussie environments can be, poachers, snakes, heat stroke, fire and more.
Its the trouble this show causes leaseholders, land owners and farmers, hundreds of unfilled holes and dirty rubbish left all over the place, not to mention damage to gates grids and fences, great for minelab and tourism though.
I am with you guys on this one. I enjoy the show even though it is staged at times but the amount of issues it has caused is unbelievable. The amount of poaching that goes on at the moment is shocking and people trespassing has gone trough the roof.

A station owner that I know has said to me he comes across people prospecting in at least once or twice a week now that have not contacted him to let them know they are on the property. Before the show started he reckons he would have been lucky to see one or two people all season.

Now He is now often finding rubbish left behind and gates left open (That's if they don't cut the fence). he has even had solar panels, pumps and work shop equipment stolen from many places on the station. It's a shame really because this person does not mind people prospecting at all and will even point people in the right direction if they contact him but now it's getting to the point where he is having to record registrations of any vehicle he sees on the station and has numerous surveillance cameras set up. I do not think he is to far away from contacting the Dept of mines to see what he can do about it.
I like the show, after all it is what got me interested in prospecting. The staged parts have me rolling my eyes a lot, but it's the lack of education that bothers me the most. It's all about the finds, almost nothing about the conditions and regulations everyone is constrained by.

Even when the host prospectors were getting poached they didn't bother to mention how detrimental those acts are to the hobby itself, only their losses.

Maybe they could make a series like COPS but in the outback where they track and detain poachers and trespassers.
shakergt said:
I am with you guys on this one. I enjoy the show even though it is staged at times but the amount of issues it has caused is unbelievable. The amount of poaching that goes on at the moment is shocking and people trespassing has gone trough the roof.

A station owner that I know has said to me he comes across people prospecting in at least once or twice a week now that have not contacted him to let them know they are on the property. Before the show started he reckons he would have been lucky to see one or two people all season.

Now He is now often finding rubbish left behind and gates left open (That's if they don't cut the fence). he has even had solar panels, pumps and work shop equipment stolen from many places on the station. It's a shame really because this person does not mind people prospecting at all and will even point people in the right direction if they contact him but now it's getting to the point where he is having to record registrations of any vehicle he sees on the station and has numerous surveillance cameras set up. I do not think he is to far away from contacting the Dept of mines to see what he can do about it.

This is definitely the downside of the show, but it's not just the Gold industry that is suffering from the rednecks that are wrecking things, the gem industry is also having significant problems as well. Know of several instances around the Glen Innes area where poachers are entering private property and leaving a heap of damage. One Farmer ended up in hospital a couple of years back with busted ribs after riding into a poachers diggings. Gates are being closed and everyone shut out due to these jerks.

Increasing Gold prices are only going to make things worse, irrespective of the show, need the Mines Police or what ever they call themselves, to increase their actions and prosecutions, photos or video clips with date and time stamps of rego numbers etc should be all that is needed to prosecute. Confiscation of vehicles and gear plus a huge fine like what happens with Fisheries, poachers will soon get the message.
One big problem is, the show gives the impression detecting season in WA is Summer. (the show is filmed September onwards)
It really needs a disclaimer. Every year we are getting more and more foreigners mostly French, German and Finish turning up in the middle of Summer with no idea.

The amount of people now wearing camo promoted and sold by the gold Gypsies.

The local mines are getting more and more call outs to go looking for people lost on their leases. The missing persons you read about or see on the news is just a small percentage of the number who do get lost each year.

I should take some photos and post them of some of the horrendous damage done and left by one of the teams participating.

As for staged? I was asked if I was willing to come screaming in in my Perentie (with firearms) and play the role of irate pastoralist.