Aussie Detecting & Prospecting Bendigo

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Jun 12, 2013
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I hope this post is in the right place.

I am interested to hear from any other members who have purchased from aussiedetectors.

Thanks in advance.

G'day cashgoldsilver,

I purchased some things mid last year, over $1000 bucks worth. The experience, lets say, was very bad. Myself, I will never buy anything off them again. Put simply once they had my money, I could go and whistle dixie. Promised the world, out of stock stuff can be ordered in and here in 10 to 14 days, and then your order will be packed and sent to you.

Phone call after phone call and listening to excuse after excuse. When the order finally arrived it was not complete anyway so more phone calls and more excuses. Second parcel arrives with balance of goods and it is still not right. I literally gave up in the end and did not worry about the missing items after 8 weeks.

Maybe this was a one off, and I was unlucky, I don't know, unfortunately I still have the sour taste in my mouth.
A couple of years ago I rang them [Brad?] and asked if he had XXX and YYY in stock, answer = yes.
I specifically asked again, instock, in Bendigo? answer = Yes.
Completed a Visa transaction over the phone there and then.

The next 6 or 7 weeks were a nightmare, excuse after excuse.
"i made a mistake, they have to come from Adelaide"
"sorry was returned, wrong address" etc etc etc
I have forgotten all the varying excuses, over that time period.

XXX and YYY finally arrived and was quite obvious some of the packaging had been removed, repaired/replaced, in an attempt to hide where it came from.
And sure enough the came from the USA.
Exactly what I wanted to avoid.
I would go out of my way to tell people to avoid the business.
unfortunately i have had exactly the same experience.... the excuses were many.... as were the phone calls the emails and ive heard similar stories from nearly every prospector who has bought them up.
Yep, id have to agree with the consensus hear mate,if every body ran their businesses like they do every one would be broke.

Having said that after weeks of waiting for my product to be sent, i did receive an apology from them, but they also sent me HALF of what i ordered and some one else s stuff at the same time....????????

Two weeks after that i got the last of my order??????

Just to clear this up and make sure.
I am referring to Aussie Detecting & Prospecting in Bendigo
Heard a few ordinary experiences from others in the past too but my experiences have been fine.

I've made a few purchases from Brad.
One over the phone order (pan) - delivered about a week after ordering.
Maybe 4 over the counter purchases (pin pointer, maps, pick etc.) no issues & price was fair - items were in stock.

He's pointed me(as a visitor to Bendigo) in the right direction for some panning spots & had luck there each time.
I purchased some ghog matting n stuff from there with no problems :)
The prob rang hin about xxx and he said he had in stock all fine with price so
I said on the phone next day 200plus km and pay and pick up
in Bendigo 9.30 am next morn went in no xxx he had out on hire
great bloke mond
It's easy for people to post up the negatives. It's a shame some more of the positives can't be taken on as well. I'm not going to enter into a s***t fight on who's right & who's wrong. From those that have taken the time to post up their experience as a negative & from those encounters with you, your feedback has been taken on & has & will help us continually improve.
Sadly there have been some fact omitted from each of the above. I guess it's easier not to list the reasons as to why your purchases went the way they did. Unfortunately those "excuses" were the reasons. Sadly not everything pans out the way we want. But from this, I've been able to rectify some of those.
There are many out there that have had an enjoyable experience with & continue to return. What we have here is a fraction of the thousands of sales we do each year. But once again out of the poor experience we get the opportunity to improve.
you know what they say Aussie Detecting, you can do a thousand things right but it only takes one goat 8)

iam sure we all learn from our mistakes in life and its good to see you on here smoking the peace pipe ;)
Redfin said:
Repeat after me Brad, "No we don't have those in stock atm, but I can order it in for you. It will take X weeks. is that ok?"

Quotable quote. So good I had to make sure it was said twice.
On a slightly different stream but heading to the same river if you want a detech coil ring them. If you want a pump ring the local pump guy. If you want a gold hog mat, try gold hog.
However if the local company has xyz in Stock and it is actually in Stock and the price is right, well how badly could it go? It's OK you don't have to answer, I for one know the difference between good and bad experiences and vote with my wallet. Most people including prospectors are the same.

I only call it as I see it.
I haven't purchased from this business and probably won't, going by some of the experiences here.

Despite claims by the proprietor that some issues are being sorted the underlying message doesn't seem to be sinking in and this is why both over the counter and online retailing has a bad reputation these days.

People are sick of coughing up deposits and in some cases the total cost of a product on back-order with slick promises for quick delivery. The biggest lesson a business of any size can learn right here and now is that stock control is the number one concern for buyers. This means that if you sell stuff then buy stock and put it on the shelves so customers can buy it. We don't want to wait or have our ears filled with BS. You are a retailer. If you are selling something and are down to 25% of the original order then place another order and have stuff available. It's not hard. That's the job, either do it or go broke - simple.

A lot of businesses survive on a good reputation conveyed by word of mouth. Just as many have gone under the same way. It's worth thinking about whilst there is still time.
There's probably a good reason why some places don't carry a lot of stock. Look at what happened to the previous Australian Garrett & Tesoro distributors, they were left high and dry with thousands of dollars worth of stock when the parent companies stripped them of their distributorship with literally no notice or reason. Not a position I would like to be put in, and surely a lot of blame should be directed at companies for putting dealers/distributors in that position in the first place.
Goldpick said:
surely a lot of blame should be directed at companies for putting dealers/distributors in that position in the first place.
Maybe, but an upfront attitude is all that is required.
Don't lie about it
Be upfront and say it is not in stock but I can get it for you.
No need to lie, take their money, and string them along.
G'day brad
I spoke to you on the phone last Sunday about buying a product and having it posted to the mornington peninsula . Think I will wait until I'm next in Bendigo and if you have the product in stock I will get it then . Doesn't sound as if postage is a strong suit for Aussie detecting , shame as I really wanted to use it on an upcoming trip .
Does anyone know anything about Aussie Detecting Supplies. I have tried a few times to email them but am getting a message that the website is no longer available. Thanks, Rick