Are we still allowed to go prospecting?

Prospecting Australia

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Nov 26, 2019
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Hey guys just wondering if your still allowed to go camp out bush n go prospecting

I know Im in WA and were shut down to our regions?

I mean its practicing social distancing but it is still un necessary travel

Its a bit of a grey area what are your thoughts and please keep the responses civil because thats why Im asking here

Id be camping out bush self sufficient on supplies so no need to visit any towns stores or come in contact with anyone else
My thoughts are if you are staying local to your main place of residence within say ~50km then you should be ok. In reality no different to heading to a local park to walk or jog etc. for exercise.
It hasn't been defined by the Federal or State Governments as yet but they have been very clear on avoiding or not undertaking non-essential travel so I don't think they would accept travelling away from your main place of residence 10's or 100's of km's as just ducking out for some exercise?

On top of the previous request for no non-essential travel the latest advice from the PM yesterday evening:
"PM says these are only reasons to leave home:
A) shopping for essential supplies
B) medical care or compassionate needs
C) exercise
D) work + education
Also, strong advice - people aged 70 and over should stay at home and self-isolate"

Some states (Vic & SA) have already announced either/or both stage 3 restrictions & penalties for not complying. I'd expect other states to follow suit if they haven't done so already.

Personally I've decided to not even travel out of town to detect locally here. Both myself & my wife are still both required to work so we are in contact with people even though everyone is doing their best with hygiene & social distancing there is still some risk. In the case I did go out somewhere & had an unplanned contact with someone I'd hate to think I'd been responsible for introducing it into a small community or even just another family.
IMO best to just heed the advice (which will likely soon be law in all states) & stay home as much as possible.

"It's not about you, it's about everyone else"
Cheers for clearing that up guys, I was keen to go try out my new detector but looks like Ill be waiting a few months yet
AlienS, the Premiers announcements have been pretty clear. If you're home, STAY HOME. If not, then get your self home.
From Tues midnight you CANNOT cross regional boundaries, ie, if you're in Perth/Peel, you cannot go outside that region (unless you have an exemption for necessary transit).
If you are already camped out in true isolation, you would want to be equipped & supplied for at least the next 3 months .... & winter rain is coming too
This crap will hopefully be subsiding & restrictions eased in 3 months or so
Do the right thing mate, STAY PUT & wait it out
there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Message is clear. Unless essential - STAY HOME. Instead of trying to justify outings and make excuses, stay home. The virus doesn't move by itself. People move it. STAY HOME.

I'm bored too. But I'm staying home. Every time I think of going somewhere, I stop and think. Is it really neccesssry? Inconvenient, maybe, but so what? The cost of going out could be severe. One to two, two to four, four to eight, eight to see this grade four maths is frackin' scary as hell.

Thousands and thousands dead in a couple of months, and still people are only thinking of themselves.


Luv, Baz.
What happened to bloody common sense !
If one can go to a local spot without refueling and contact with others for a camp for a week...
Makes more bloody sense than staying at home!
Read between the lines for God's sake!
Avoid unessaerry contact with others! Transporting it!
Don't go to their shops etc.
100% independent trip.
mudgee hunter said:
What happened to bloody common sense !
If one can go to a local spot without refueling and contact with others for a camp for a week...
Makes more bloody sense than staying at home!

"Common sense" you say? What about if you have an accident while travelling there/back or during your stay? Aiding you would divert resources that are needed elsewhere and also involve others in avoidable travel. Even a simple vehicle breakdown could mean others have to get involved to help you out. And how would you fancy being laid up in a hospital where contagious COVID patients are also arriving on a daily basis?

Think it through, mate. Playing it safe may be frustrating, but it's the smart way for everybody while there's a national emergency on this scale happening.
Im 70 and my wife works in the Aged Care industry. The government tells me to stay indoors but she relies on me for transport. Her work places me at risk of contracting the virus. She has told me to get up the bush but Im not going to let her get in a taxi day and night and risk infection from a dirty vehicle. The point of this story? If I could go to my regular bush site to avoid the virus, then I would. But then, Im high risk and Im safer in the bush. Just the same, the government wants me to stay put and put Im staying. So should we all. :skull: :skull: :skull:
grubstake said:
mudgee hunter said:
What happened to bloody common sense !
If one can go to a local spot without refueling and contact with others for a camp for a week...
Makes more bloody sense than staying at home!

"Common sense" you say? What about if you have an accident while travelling there/back or during your stay? Aiding you would divert resources that are needed elsewhere and also involve others in avoidable travel. Even a simple vehicle breakdown could mean others have to get involved to help you out. And how would you fancy being laid up in a hospital where contagious COVID patients are also arriving on a daily basis?

Think it through, mate. Playing it safe may be frustrating, but it's the smart way for everybody while there's a national emergency on this scale happening.
I have to go to shops almost daily to buy dog food because of the restrictions...
Walk through a shop full of people, receiving their bank notes in change..
Drive through bottle shop still open... that's ok...

The people just outside Mudgee totally rely on Mudgee for employment (take away coffee) everything!
I know of several families who have stocked up and left town to PROPERLY AVOID CONTACT WITH OTHERS....
and it is " condemned " ????
That is the government playing it down!
Seeing the government firing 50 cal rounds over the bow of cruise ships docked to piss them off is real action of avoiding Clovis 19
How many people handled your shopping trolley.....
Reported it can survive 4hrs on stainless steel....
$$$$$$$ is what the government are focused on
Because we rely on a Chinese economy!
Created by our governments over the years... pffffft
MH If you need bulk dog food try one of the Rural supplies on the Sydney Rd. They sell it by the carton usually. They may have stock?
Don't use cash - few do these days? Near everyone uses plastic to pay I thought?
The drive thru bottle shop is way safer than a normal bottle shop. I can go grab want I want put it straight in the car & swipe my card from a safe distance, what's the issue? Rather do that than go into an enclosed shop.
Not having a go mate, just trying to give some practical ways to avoid things.

Most of the people out of town are farmers. Some have second jobs in town or at the mines etc. Not all of them. They will be doing it hard once again but I don't see your point here? Everyone's doing it hard at the moment.
I don't know of any families that have packed up & left town? I work for a large employer here & nobody has even mentioned doing that or anyone else I know? Where would you go coming into winter with kids? Out bush in the cold with no toilet, showers etc. for possibly months?
Not to mention if you unknowingly have it before leaving - family stuck in bush sick with COVID-19, Great!

Your partners a Nurse. She is best placed to coach you in what to do/what not to do. Their procedures are strict no? If the shit hits the fan locally here she'll need support too. My wife has a high risk job as well but I'll be damned if I'd go scurrying off into the bush to leave her by herself now. People in those jobs need our support mate not to be left alone.
If my wife gets it then me, so be it, but we'll be together & help each others thru it.

Today at Coles they were disinfecting the trolleys before letting you take it. It was very quiet downtown. Social distancing wasn't a problem etc.! It has quietened down considerably since even a few days ago. People are starting to listen - maybe?

I can see your point in wanting to go bush & why you think it's best but in reality it's not common sense for most. It introduces a whole heap of other maybes or possibilities that can & do go wrong over & above just staying put. There are risks no matter what you do at the moment, some necessary some not.
The best quote I've seen in this whole COVID-19 disaster is "It's not about you, it's about everyone else"
I take that to mean we need to be putting others before ourselves & forget about being self indulged for at least a little while.
Well worded again m8.
I just see so much hyprocrictal BS, and a lame blame game of inept governing.
Gutless leadership of nipping it in the bud of the true infestation possibilities
Your partners a Nurse. She is best placed to coach you in what to do/what not to do. Their procedures are strict no? If the shite hits the fan locally here she'll need support too. My wife has a high risk job as well but I'll be damned if I'd go scurrying off into the bush to leave her by herself now. People in those jobs need our support mate not to be left alone.
If my wife gets it then me, so be it, but we'll be together & help each others thru it.

If you read all I wrote. Im staying PUT....
If you need to spend cash then wash it in metho first... and wash your change if you get any too. :money:
Fnx50 said:
Your partners a Nurse. She is best placed to coach you in what to do/what not to do. Their procedures are strict no? If the shite hits the fan locally here she'll need support too. My wife has a high risk job as well but I'll be damned if I'd go scurrying off into the bush to leave her by herself now. People in those jobs need our support mate not to be left alone.
If my wife gets it then me, so be it, but we'll be together & help each others thru it.

If you read all I wrote. Im staying PUT....
If you read what I wrote I was replying to MH (Mudgee Hunter) not you. :Y:
I did read your post :clap: