Another Newbie

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 17, 2018
Reaction score
Thought it was about time I said g'day. I've been a peep on here for nearly 12 months, and have totally enjoyed the writings of this group.
So, I live in the GT, Ballarat to be exact, and love going out detecting......I've found no yellow yet, but its only a matter of time. I am however, an expert on finding
fence wire, Hobb nails, shell casings and just about every other conceivable piece of rubbish out
I use a ML 4500, and love the gold fields
Hi Kiwifred, welcome aboard. Sounds like we have a lot in common. We must compare our rusty fence wire, Hob nails, and Shell casing collections some time :Y:
Yep but you have to dig everything kiwifred as they say. I have had a fair bit of that business myself but not disheartened yet. Terrific past time. Happy days mate