Another Newbie

Prospecting Australia

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Apr 3, 2018
Reaction score
Hi everyone;
Joined today cause of a guy called TheNuggetMagnet and his YouTube vid's of prospecting WA!
He has me hooked ..... hook, line and sinker.
Seems though there's a little more to it than grabbing a detector and hoofing it out there.
I have a lot to learn before I even step out the door.
Research research research.
So, after a Big Google session I found you guys and your forums - Awesome.
Been reading about your chats on coils, machines, different grounds, salts, irons ...... and haven't scratched it yet.
This is real fun and I think will be a great hobby for me, and hopefully the family.
Cheers and thanks for having me. :)
Welcome mr tee
I dont have a detector myself but there are plenty here that do and im sure they will help you out with all your questions.
Good luck finding some gold
Mr Tee said:
Hi everyone;
Joined today cause of a guy called TheNuggetMagnet and his YouTube vid's of prospecting WA!
He has me hooked ..... hook, line and sinker.
Seems though there's a little more to it than grabbing a detector and hoofing it out there.
I have a lot to learn before I even step out the door.
Research research research.
So, after a Big Google session I found you guys and your forums - Awesome.
Been reading about your chats on coils, machines, different grounds, salts, irons ...... and haven't scratched it yet.
This is real fun and I think will be a great hobby for me, and hopefully the family.
Cheers and thanks for having me. :)

Russ is DA MAN. No one finds big gold nuggets like he does.
A great guy and a nice guy too. He works good claims over in WA.
He also works hard, very hard, and spends a lot of time alone. (Which is not always a good thing) Much respect for Russ.

Hope you enjoy your hobby and may you find plenty of shiny.