Am I ok ? Queensland (Qld) rules

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Oct 28, 2013
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Easy Qs for the morning;

I am using a Garrett Ace 250 MD to run around beaches and so far been great, no one has complained and the sunshine is always good. Friends have asked me to join them on a trip to the local Boyne River to check out around the mouth of the Awoonga damn and downstream. They use good ole panning and other contraptions for 'flouring gold' (unsure if that's the right wording) and for having a beer and chilling out away from kids.

If I go and take a MD (I know it wont get much but no harm in trying) do I need to take/have a permit?

If I take my gear and don't use it and a local ranger gets pokey, do I get into trouble for having the MD on hand? Like having a gun on your body but no licence to carry it? I am aware that may sound silly but reading the fines and regs sounds insane.

If you do find something noticeable, IE a 1KG nugget, do you have to declare it to the government or pay tax or what not?


I am sure some of the Queenslanders can fill you in on permit/licensing requirements for that area...

As far as I am long as you have the appropriate fossicking permit all finds are tax free.
Well for just under $50 per annum I grabbed a licence online. Should be in the mail soon and I have the receipt emailed to me. So I think that's a good start to ensure if some one complains I can show I have the licence.
Different States have different rules and areas excluded from prospecting as well - would be well worth ensuring you are allowed to prospect the area before dragging too much expensive equipment along to be confiscated. Quite often these areas are close to drinking water catchment areas...and National Parks are largely excluded except for some small defined allowable areas within them.
Hi Bsellin, welcome to the forum, there is heaps of info here about detectors n stuff, I am lookin my self. good luck with it all
The email you received from the online license site should have been your fossicking license, you have to print it out and keep it on you at all times. There is an area on the bottom of it for filling out the property owners details and signature should you be lucky enough to get their permission to be detecting on private property. Good luck out there :)
Oh good point - I have it printed now and will add it to the rest of the gear carry (Which is becoming quite considerable)
The ATO considers it a hobby. Your nugget is tax free.

But if you make it your occupation or business that isn't a hobby anymore.
For QLD a permit is required on any vacant/crown land. If said land is under a pastoral lease from the govt. then you need lease holders permission as well. ALL National Parks in QLD are prohibited areas unless said park contains a designated fossicking area which are usually sign posted and fenced. State Forest on the other hand is managed by state govt. and can only be prospected after first obtaining Written permission stating the limits of the agreement which sadly is about as common to get as a 1kg nugget sunbaking.