ABC article. Nice read - Gold prospecting in the outback not for the faint-hearted

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It' s a risk taken by everyone who dares to test their abilities and without some very good experience out there won't survive. I wouldn't try it at my age 72 now when physical problems are the biggest setbacks. How do you reach a satphone or epirb when incapacitated.......PRAY.
I guess that sat phone, gps and plb are strapped to your body within short simple reach, when going anywhere, as a reasonable precaution.
Lots of water in a backpack and move your vehicle (base) instead of wandering way off into the distance and bush alone...
Was thinking of a `trouble in the bush' thread like this. And here is such a thread anyway. What is the general consensus? Sat phone or EPIRB (can be very small and light weight) and does it matter where you are? Say in the Golden Triangle to not bother with either? Love to hear from those who wish they had something like this with when in trouble.
Was thinking of a `trouble in the bush' thread like this. And here is such a thread anyway. What is the general consensus? Sat phone or EPIRB (can be very small and light weight) and does it matter where you are? Say in the Golden Triangle to not bother with either? Love to hear from those who wish they had something like this with when in trouble.
IMO I'd carry a PLB especially if getting out solo.
Would consider a satellite phone if travelling to more remote areas such as outback WA.

Some threads to read:
It' s a risk taken by everyone who dares to test their abilities and without some very good experience out there won't survive. I wouldn't try it at my age 72 now when physical problems are the biggest setbacks. How do you reach a satphone or epirb when incapacitated.......PRAY.
You don't - your mate does.
PLB and Inmarsat satphone for me. Looked at the InReach and Zoleo devices too but two drawbacks for my use (mainly hiking) - subscription is expensive and need to be tethered to a phone. InReach mini has some fiddly two way coms. Without the phone, no better than a PLB which doesn’t have subscription costs. Phones in Aus must be able to call 000 so even without a plan is useful. I also take the PLB kayaking. Not for falling in but in case of a heart attack.
Was thinking of a `trouble in the bush' thread like this. And here is such a thread anyway. What is the general consensus? Sat phone or EPIRB (can be very small and light weight) and does it matter where you are? Say in the Golden Triangle to not bother with either? Love to hear from those who wish they had something like this with when in trouble.
yeh hi,i bought a zoleo sat/messenger with epirb button for $320. subscription around $40 p/mnth.can activate it on a monthly basis.well worth the money & fifth the price of a sat phone.wi-fi connect to your phone & send texts.
Yes it pays to go with a mate or partner.
Do so whenever possible. Sometime the call of the bush is an overriding factor. Always take GPS with to at least get back to vehicle and always note and memorise terrain in case this fails. So looks like carrying a PLB would be a great idea anyway. Be doubtful a PLB would work if one falls down mine shaft. So be real careful if are in your search area.
learn how to navigate by the sun and don't rely so much on battery run tools... and take onboard what FindSumStuff said, take note of your surroundings - at all times!
Compass and making note of tracks of area is great too. Have used compass reading many times for exercise. Often out detecting when no sun and too cloudy to have proper use of it. Keep compass well away from working coil head. Been reports it can wreck magnetic needle alignment. Compasses are aligned for general area magnetic declination.
Compass and making note of tracks of area is great too. Have used compass reading many times for exercise. Often out detecting when no sun and too cloudy to have proper use of it. Keep compass well away from working coil head. Been reports it can wreck magnetic needle alignment. Compasses are aligned for general area magnetic declination.
Easy to wreck a compass that way - they don't like strong magnetic fields.