40E Permit's for WA - information and questions

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Jan 10, 2016
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:) So whats the go with the 40e ?
Do I still need this if I will only be going on Pending ground ?
And how do I know if it is on a pasturel Lease ? And do I need to contact them ?
nucopia said:
If you are thinking about applying for an E40 permit , you need to down load and sign up for Tengraph and GeoMaps and learn how to use them to search for land that is open to make an E40 application.. pending land or land open for exploration.

Im in the process of learning how to use this myself ..
:Y: I've been playing with Tengrath for a couple of weeks :| :lol:
Ain't it funny to get your head around :8
But just thought I will ask the question eany way :D
Yeah it is ...I just bought the training program from Gold Prospecting and Metal Detecting WA..
Seems pretty good so far and they are keen to help with any problems or questions I have had as well .. $100 bucks but cheaper then going to WA and doing one of the seminars.. which I had considered doing before..
It easy as, find the land were want to go ,what lease it under pastoral mining, prospecting , pending ,couple others very important ! Rules attached and limitations then fill form in pay 25 bucks they contact them etc dmp,21 days wait u usual find out in 7,10 days if ok,wait 21 days go hard! the trouble over here people come over here think do what they want ,there had gut gut of it , im on land at the moment it that big it daunting but u are only allowed certain amount but trust me it enough (of course there bit more but that basics )
Dept of mines are more than helpful when it comes to getting a 40E. I submitted one the other day and they told me to hold off on it as the exploration lease I want the 40E for is due to expirer next week and that a renewal fee for the lease has not yet been paid at this stage. So I still have my $25 and if the lease does not get paid it may become vacant ground. This is good for as I only need the pastural Lease holders permission to go on the land. A lot can happen in a week though and I will probably end up submitting the 40E in the end anyway
Gday dam it. Re your questions, if Pending you do not require 40E. Make sure there are no live tenements covering the same ground as the pending. 40E is required if a live Exploration lease, and covers only the ground on that lease included in the 40E. You always need to notify the pastoralist. Many more rules as per links posted previously. Cheers, John
hi guys,
to NOTIFY the, and getting PERMISSION from the pastoralist, has caused some confusion.

If you are the holder of a MINERS RIGHT and wish to detect on a pastoral lease which is on crown land, NOTIFICATION of your intent is required.
A pastoral lease on crown land and you are a holder of a miners right requires you to NOTIFY the lease holder, where you will be and how long you will be prospecting.
this Notification can be given by sending an email a letter or a fax.

to throw in the mix, if you are gem hunting/fossicking OTHER than diamonds and gold you will then need written PERMISSION from the pastoralist and lease holder.

once a 40E is granted there will a requirement to NOTIFY the pastoralist
if you wish to prospect OUTSIDE of the guide lines ie- to detect within 400 mts of waterworks, dams, wells, bores. you will need WRITTEN PERMISSION.
if within 100 mtrs of land under crop, orchard, vineyard, airstrip, house, cemetery you MUST have WRITTEN PERMISSION.

Miners Right- notify your intent to pastoralist
40E- notify your intent to pastoralist
Outside the rules- Permission required

this is my understanding and this is a simplified overview and i hope this helps :cool:
Here is the process I use:
Go onto Tenegraph and select an E lease.
Pick up to 10 graticular blokes. They must all share a common boundary.
Fill out 40E form.
List up to 3 people on form and the rego's of cars you intend to take.
Take form to DMP.
DMP will plot your 10 blocks....and helpfully correct any errors :)
Get receipt.
Somewhere around the 21 days you will get copies of you approved 40E.
Send one to the pastorialist using the address provided on the 40E.
Keep the others.
Go to 40E permit area.
Find 20kg gold maximum :)
Put locations of finds on minerals recovered form.
Take minerals recovered form back to DMP.
Easy :)
Note: You can apply for as many 40E's as you like, but they all will start and stop at the same time.
Every person of the 3 must sign the form!
The DMP have said to me that they are getting tough on people not returning the minerals found form...They may stop you getting another 40E if you dont return it.
Just because you have a 40E, it does stop 4000 other people having one over the same area as you at the same time. You could head out to your wonderful secluded blocks and find 4000 people legally doing the same thing as you :)
Also note that if taking a camper or van, then its rego number must also be listed along with your car's rego on the 40E.
This is so that if you leave it during the day and it is spotted by the Lease holder, they know that it is there legally and don't need to call the police.
And just to add: 40E's are in no way advertised at all.
Only the DMP, the E lease holder and the pastoralist know you have one.
The 21 day waiting period is designed to allow the E lease holder time to write back with some conditions on your 40E if they need to, such as "no prospecting near such and such due to active drilling program".
The steps I listed in my post above are exactly what I do and I have never had an issue :)
This has been copied from facebook

Ouch!!...apparently Section 40E permits increasing from $25.00 each to $90.00 each as of July 1. Might be a good time to get any applications in this week and avoid the rise.

Can anyone confirm if this is true?
I cant find any mention of it on Dept Mines website
and because FactlessBook isn't the real world I never believe anything on there until/unless I see for real in the real world.
SO , hope it hasn't risen that much, but we will see!
Rockhunter62 said:
So I guess that 1.5 gms worth of gold is too much for people to pay but they can run around with a multi-thousand dollar detector. Stop your whining and pay your fee. You could always start a gofundme thingy so other people could pay it for you.



Not whining Doug just wanting confirmation that was all.
As far as I know it is true.
As doug said it's only a gram and a half so sweet bugger all, but what it will do is make illegal prospecting skyrocket!

edit: right as I hit the submit button I had thought.
Maybe it won't skyrocket. Those that do the righty and get thier 40E's hopefully will still do the right thing. Those that will refuse to pay the new price probably poached anyway under the old price.