Feeding your dog.

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Aug 27, 2016
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Northeast Vic, VIC
Someone mentioned on here the other day about getting up first thing in the morning, feeding the dog and then going detecting. It got me thinking - when, what, how frequently do people feed their dog? 🐶🐕🐩 🤔

We've had lots of dogs over the years and we always feed a dog once a day, in the evening. And a few tid bits/scraps/left overs during the day if there are any.

Why once and why in the evening - because that is what we did growing up on the farm. I think it was based around a dog in the wild likely only got 1 decent feed a day and maybe only every 2 or 3 days. It seemed to keep our dogs in pretty good nick without being too overweight. Farm dogs were different to what are now our 'pets' and a little more portion control is required with our more sedentary friends these days.

On the farm we fed our dogs dry food for a long time, then we mixed dry and some canned and then there was some stuff available at a place in Bendigo called 'Ready-Meat'. This was top stuff! The dogs loved it and they thrived on it. It had bits of dried meat, bits of what I think were pigs ears and other stuff that looked like genuine bits of dried, mixed up meaty stuff. I reckon it was around for about 6 years and then they stopped mixing it because they had issues getting the products that went into it. Anyone remember Ready-Meat?

Over the years we have continued to feed a mix of canned and dry food, sometimes cooked up mince or chicken with rice and vegetables that we froze in portions and sometimes just mince with dry food.

Can't say we like the canned food though. The first 2 dogs that my wife and I had as 'our' dogs both died within 6 months of each other (about 12 yrs old each) with pancreatic cancer which the vet said was pretty rare in dogs. We guessed that maybe it was all the crap in the canned food.

Anyway, what do you mob feed your dog? Any good suggestions of what to give them or cook them? Are there any 'great' commercial products you know of? How often do you feed them and at what time of day?

Be interested to hear what others do.

Cheers, N.E. 👍
Shoot roos, mince them, grate vege scraps and cook it all up in the pressure cooker with a bit of rice. Chicken giblets or pet food mince (horse?) will do the job as long as it doesn't contain preservatives. And a bit of crap fish now and then.
I've always fed my dogs twice a day and they have always exceeded their life expectancy.
Similar to you NE we feed our dog/s once a day, always have. Mostly dry feed of a quality product purchased from the produce store.

Years ago when I was at home with my parents Dad got fed up with the price of dog food so he came up with a recipe and made his own. It was around the time when we were in the grip of the recession we had to have according to Paul Keating 🙄 interest rates were the most likely reason for Dad coming up with his recipe.

He bought pet mince from the butcher for about 50 cents a kilogram, he'd buy 2 kilo's at a time. He'd put in a large pot with pasta (the curly stuff) and frozen mixed vegetables without onion, cover with water and bring to the boil then let it simmer for an hour or so. Once cooled he'd put it into plastic containers that take away comes in such as Chinese and Indian etc then into the freezer. A dog such as a kelpie, Lab would get half a container plus half a cup of dry food, a small dog about a quarter of each. It definitely keeps the dogs in top condition and saved/saves dollars as far as weekly expenses go. We'd take out 1 container each night to defrost for the next night's feed.

As for what time of day and how often depends on everyone's circumstances imo, all of our dogs have lived happy lives 😊 Might have to reintroduce this and help the kids out with their dogs, all up 5 dogs locally with another 12 in SA
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When I had my Airedale it was once a day in the evening.
Now with the Jack Russell it's 2 small meals once in the morning and then 12 hours later in the evening.
We give him a mix of high quality dry and a mixture of raw food. Bones as well for healthy teeth.
He's only one and burns a lot of energy.
Things may change as he gets older.
When my parents were breeding Great Danes they would feed them once a day at sundown plus a
small snack during the day. Then the Danes were too big to manage as they got older and they started
breeding French Bulldogs, the Frenchies would get breakfast and their little individulalised gourmet
dinners. Not sure if it's just because they were spoilt or whether they actually needed it. Some didnt like
beef, some didn't like chicken, fussy little buggers.
We have an English Springer Spaniel from a Vic breeder.

Previously we had two from the same breeder, and always have had bitches.
Wonderful dogs they are, strangely the earlier dogs got into the habit of 'ad-lib' feeding, meaning the food is always there available to them and if empty we top it up. Dry food of a really good quality.
They fell into this method of feeding, it was not trained into them, and initially they would scoff the food as puppies.

Same with this current new model, she scoffed and within weeks got used to the food always being there. It is pretty funny to watch her running around and pass her outside bowl to just grab a few bits of dry food while on the run. Indoors it is also always available.

She is slim, little fat, strong as a train, runs alll day, no bowel issues and not hungry mooching for food at all, not growth problems either.
She does get rare treats, and has removed cupcakes from the kitchen counter, so she is not perfect. 😂😂

I guess what works for any of us, and the dog, is what is best.
This is just our routine and developed from the dog's habits, not ours.
BUT boy it is welcome and easy on us. 👍
Our last two Maltese both lived to a ripe old age of 18 years + and i put it down to 4 things: Love, Food Exercise and exceptional Vet care. The food part was simply Fresh Steamed Chicken with steamed frozen veggies and brown rice. Never tinned food and although i am told the dry food is very good, we never used it. Exercise each day with short walks and running around the back yard and a vet that looked after them both for over 14 years. Mackka
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Our last two Maltese both lived to a ripe old age of 18 years + and i put it down to 4 things: Love, Food Exercise and exceptional Vet care. The food part was simply Fresh Steamed Chicken with steamed frozen veggies and brown rice. Never tinned food and although i am told the dry food is very good, we never used it. Exercise each day with short walks and running around the back yard and a vet that looked after them both for over 14 years. Mackka

I think I'd like to be your pet Mackka :D
Small feeding before I go to work, half a handful of bickies, and 2 or 3 chicken necks, at night 3 or 4 uncooked meatballs, cheap mince with a good handful of quality dog biscuits.
Special occasions, she might get left o ers from the fridge, like a chicken thighs or left over BBQ chicken etc
Dog eats when I eat, once a day for the most part, double the daily portion maybe twice a week but still in one meal. No dry food at all and very rarely some small amount of carbohydrates.
I buy beef or lamb off cuts from the local butchers and cook some up with some veggies like day Green beans or caulieflower or something like that. A bone cut lengthways from the butchers maybe twice a month.
I'll break an egg or two into her meal sometimes. occasionally some atlantic salmon pieces and the whole salmon skin.
Some butter or gouda cheese is the only dairy
Dog eats when I eat, once a day for the most part, double the daily portion maybe twice a week but still in one meal. No dry food at all and very rarely some small amount of carbohydrates.
I buy beef or lamb off cuts from the local butchers and cook some up with some veggies like day Green beans or caulieflower or something like that. A bone cut lengthways from the butchers maybe twice a month.
I'll break an egg or two into her meal sometimes. occasionally some atlantic salmon pieces and the whole salmon skin.
Some butter or gouda cheese is the only dairy
When I had a dog the only time he ate was when he led me to wild pigs. Since the incentive was great and I went out every day, he never went hungry.

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