New Signage on Commons in NSW - don't panic!

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Jan 27, 2015
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Central West NSW
So looks like others are starting to see the new signage erected at local commons. Don't panic!
I seen these on Hargraves Common last week:

Made enquiries with Crown Lands & NAPFA. These signs are poorly worded & not as they seem!
Official response from Crown Lands on Hargraves Common:
Department of Industry - Crown Lands & Water Division said:
Thank you for your enquiry relating to the subject reserve.

Fossicking in this area is an authorised activity, you are still able to conduct this activity on the reserve.

The signage refers to unauthorised use and you are unable to drive an unregistered vehicle on the tracks within the reserve. The same road rules apply to the reserve as any other public road. If you are lawfully authorised to travel along a public roadway in the vehicle you may also traverse along the existing tracks within the reserve.
NAPFA got a similar response on Stuart Town Common so in short if fossicking has been allowable in the past it should still be & driving a registered vehicle on existing tracks is fine.
Thanks mbasko for taking the time to follow through with this, I just hope the ranger sees things the same and not just taking the sign to mean exactly what it says.

These signs should be either updated with another sign under it explaining what is acceptable etc or totally replaced with a more explanatory sign with at leas some contact details about who to contact.

Also it would be good if NAPFA could keep members upto date with things like this, we are not in the dark ages surely, there are plenty of ways to get info out to members.

cheers dave
Yes agree Dave.
The rules for each Common will be different (as set by the Common Trust) to so you still need to find out if fossicking is an authorised activity for an individual Common. I believe NAPFA are looking at compiling a register of Commons where fossicking is allowed? I assume places like Hargraves, Stuart Town, Wattle Flat, Hill End will be on the list.
These signs have been erected by NSW Lands as Commons are a type of Crown Land Reserve but are still managed as Commons by the Trusts.
I love that sign! We should start a thread on everyone's ideas of what these signs should say...
Not that there's anything wrong with AF's sign, but this could be amusing...

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