I can't believe it's not gold

Prospecting Australia

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May 10, 2013
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Pulled this black burnt quartz off a reef. Haven't come across this before and looks like gold but no signal on the 5k ??? Mica and pyrite usually look different. Not the best pics but in places it has melted into droplets




Maybe run a vlf over it
Looks interesting though
If you were near Bathurst I'd run the gmt over it
Maybe there's some other tests
Have you tried to see how mailable it is
Or a acid test ?
Good luck with that one mate :)
Just ran into Ted Abbott. Mystery solved. Pyrite. Looks good so I might pick some more up for the collection


I'm guessing your not in nelson bay then ;)
I'd say if we organised it we could have met up at your new location for a swing :)

Spur of the moment or unsatisfied lust for the shiny? Not sure but I threw the 2 youngest in the car and came to Hill End yesterday. So quick I packed their bedding but forgot mine. Not the place to be without blankets so I'm in the back of the disco with the younglings. Next time I put some planning in I'll let you know. Plenty of unfinished business up here


No worries mate
I hope you found a couple of nuggets
For compensation for no bedding
Disco or not it's still minus 2
If you shoot me a pm I might be able to make it out
Next time
I'll be sure to bring a extra sleeping bag just in case :D
Found some small quartz sunbaking out there that looked similar & couldn't believe my luck till I gave it a poke with a knife & the "gold" started to crumble off not indent. Fooled me for a minute :lol:
Still to get anything detecting out there but theres lots of area to cover.
Found that suff before, cant remember what it was called though. It looked or changed appearance when wetted though.

You're right Jon ;) I wet a few bits and it went a duller coppery colour. It's like they had the work experience kid on cooking that day and he left out an ingredient. Close, but no cigar


Don't feel bad about it mate. When I first started detecting a mate and myself found a reef outcrop with that stuff all over the quartz. We thought we had struck it rich and gathered all we could only to find out later, no cigar also. Yep the same stuff, ours went coppery too. Still scratching my head as to what its called, used to know but it was that long ago I cant recall. Good luck out there Chimpy.
I read in Gold Gem and Treasure magazine, a story that goes something like this: Captain cook rowed ashore and claimed Australia as English soil at possession island. As he sunk the flag into the ground there was an amount of what he thought was pyrites in the ground they dug for the hole to raise the flag pole. Dismissing it, he went back to his ship. Had he have known that he had actually dug directly into gold and not pyrites, then Australia's history could be very different. For starters, gold would have been discovered much earlier than the mid 1800's and convicts may not have been the main source of labor and lastly Australia may very well have been populated from the top down. Keeping in mind possession island is located at the very top, tip of Australia and nowhere near Sydney, Melbourne or Tasmania.
Just a side note: Many years later, a miner was working this reef and a Japanese sub surfaced nearby only to have the captain and crew row ashore and take his rock that was due to be processed, as ballast for the sub.
All strange but apparently, all true.

I guess when we think about all the cock ups around the confusion between pyrites and gold then our old mate Captain Cook takes the cake.