Antique Mizpah copper ring with gold plating

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Jan 27, 2015
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Central West NSW
Found this antique Mizpah copper ring with gold plating today on some local gold diggings:




Not in the best condition but still an interesting find. Not sure what the stone is in the centre (maybe glass?) but it's very dull. Has some small marks on the band but too small to tell what they are even with a loupe. Best guess is square with solid internal square then 2 opposing triangles then another square with a cobra in it? Could be just me eyes playing tricks too :lol:
The band is very small. Even in shape I'd struggle to get it on my little finger - may have been meant for a child? Wish it could talk.

Mizpah is Hewbrew & has come to connote an emotional bond between 2 people. Often attached to the phrase from the Bible The Lord watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another, after Mizpah is mentioned in the book of Genesis.

First made in the 1850's or 1860's during the Victoria era and was popular through the 1880s before experiencing a drop-off in popularity. The pieces experienced a revival, however, in the early 1900s, when men were leaving their families to fight in what at that time was called the Great War (World War I).
That's an unusual one Matt? Something you don't come across too often. Good to unearth a bit of interesting history.

Could well be a lady's ring as their fingers can be pretty small at times. We were testing a few rings out a while back for size comparison (just using my Mum's fingers as a rough guide) and I never realised that her finger sizes are tiny, almost half the width of mine.

Keep up the great work!

EDIT: Could possibly be Quartz or Moonstone set in there?
Always great to see something old and extraordinary come to light !
Well found mbasko
:Y: :D :Y:
Nice find Matt, great to see. I agree with Shauno on the stone too, most likely moonstone. It's great that the stone is actually still in it. :Y: :Y:
Thanks fellas.
It very nearly went into the rubbish bag. Thought it was a twisted scrap of metal until I noticed the gold plating. Didn't notice the stone until I washed it off properly. Under the loop it looks to have facets but it's very milky looking. I agree most likely quartz or moonstone.
Does make you think about what the story behind it is & how it got to be where it was.
I'm going to have to name these diggings "Relic Gully" :lol: Been there twice & no gold but some deep musket balls, buttons + the usual nails etc. then the ring. Gotta be some gold hiding amongst it there somewhere :p
Interesting piece of history, often it's the back story that gives more meaning to the item than the item itself, thanks for sharing. :)

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