Another Newby

Prospecting Australia

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Jun 14, 2020
Reaction score
Hi guys,
Long been interested in prospecting since my early teens when Id ride my bike up the hill, set some rabbit traps then do some panning while I waited on the traps. Never found much and I dare say if I melted it all down it wouldnt be the size of a match head, but gee it was fun. I didnt know about this forum until someone on Australian Hunting Net mentioned it. Id enjoyed following Madtunas exploits on AHN and when I heard he spent more time over here I had to come for a look. Now if the bastard would hurry up and open that jar he found itd put me out of my misery. How the hell can you have a find like that and not just rip into it :lol: :lol: :lol: . Anyway, I probably wont say much but no doubt will enjoy ride anyway.

Hi Doug! Welcome to PA!

I used to enjoy AHN...unfortunately too many people on there trying to back door me re shooting on the station.

Was a shame as there are some genuine good people on there but hard for me to work out who was just being a friend to try and swing shooting access.
Best if I just bowed out.
madtuna said:
Hi Doug! Welcome to PA!

I used to enjoy AHN...unfortunately too many people on there trying to back door me re shooting on the station.

Was a shame as there are some genuine good people on there but hard for me to work out who was just being a friend to try and swing shooting access.
Best if I just bowed out.

Totally understand MT. Its a shame, because there are a lot of genuine good people over there. But thats ok, at least it led me here and Im sure Ill find even more cool things to try to cram into my retirement, when that time comes.
Probly all been used up on Tuna Sangas by now. :eek: ...... and well we'll never know now anyhow 8.( ..... Tuna and his gold nuggets searched for by shooters and swingers one n all lol..... need a little plastic shovel to go through that shistuff :poop:

Yeah yeah he probly ate it by mistake.... anyrate he'll not have time for the likes of us with his new girly friend showing up at any moment..... lucky Sod :p
Will get to the mercury sooner or later. Have broken it down into kg lots and as soon as I can find where I left my chamois I'll start squeezing it through to see if it holds anything.

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