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Prospecting Australia

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  1. F

    The ACE 150 Challenge

    Well, as inevitability goes I've lost track of time spent coin hunting :o A few hours here and there and I'm now around the $100 mark. As a guess I'd have to say it'd be around the 12-14 hours+ mark of specifically looking for decimals. Nothing sensational but better than a kick in the arse...
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    The ACE 150 Challenge

    Thanks Ramjet. There's a fellow in my local area wreaking havoc though.. unemployed, spends all day every day detecting the hell out of all the popular and historic sites [that he knows of ;)] and doing a fairly messy job of it. Pretty soon he'll either clean out or get detecting banned in our...
  3. F

    The ACE 150 Challenge

    TIME SPENT: 4h 55m MONEY FOUND: $32.80 $'s left to Reach Target: $118.20 Slowed up a bit but still progressing. (+ 1st pre decy, a 1960 Shilling.. woot! =P)
  4. F

    problems with ace please

    Thanks guys.. it's looking more and more like I'll need to order one from the states. Can't find a local seller of the US version anywhere. The CSI Pro appears more than my budget, but thanks.
  5. F

    medallion ????

    If I were you I'd post it to a British forum. Looking at the ridges around the crest face there doesn't seem to be any uniformity suggesting it was hammered. It would be interesting to see it clearer from a cast. If you could be buggered you should make a plaster cast to see if you can pick...
  6. F

    The ACE 150 Challenge

    TIME SPENT: 2h 25m MONEY FOUND: $24.80 $'s left to Reach Target: $125.20 Haven't been out much since first post. Tested a few spots with potential but need spend more time. Getting there!
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    problems with ace please

    Thanks again Nugget. Not sure why I've seen a few recommend the US version over the international for Aussie coins then? Does sounds like the international is the go.
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    problems with ace please

    Thanks Nugget.. I'd had a read of that. Most say the tone spread in the US version work better for Australian finds. I tried those and other suppliers they all seem to have the international version. On more research that's all Garrett seem to currently produce, international versions that...
  9. F

    problems with ace please

    Nothing sinister as the thread title may suggest. My wife, bless her, has seen my excitement in detecting and wants to get me something better. Originally I had my eyes on the x-terra 705 but the more I've looked into the AT Pro the more I like. My question is I've seen that there are 2...
  10. F

    The ACE 150 Challenge

    I could equip a small army with ACE 150's for the price of a 5000 :P My aim is to use the proceeds for an upgrade eventually.. my target is for an x-terra 705, no matter how long it takes!
  11. F

    The ACE 150 Challenge

    Hi all, I seen this on another site but like this site better :) plus I thought it would be fun and informative for others looking to get into detecting on a budget (like me) but curious as to what can be found with a budget priced unit. As the subject indicates I have an ACE 150 which I have...
  12. F

    problems with ace please

    Thanks Nugget, yeah borrowing for a day or so is a definite and a fair point. As I said I have an extremely limited budget and I guess my vision is to upgrade as time goes on. I'll see how I go.
  13. F

    problems with ace please

    Being very keen to start, and having a very limited budget, I've been looking around at starter models to kick off my hobby. A friend of mine as acquired an ACE 150, only used twice, on a trade and is looking to sell it on. He's looking at $130 for it but I'm wondering how well something like...
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    Unknown Button

    Definitely looks chess related with the Knight piece and the checkerboard background.
  15. F

    what coin is this

    Could be a gaming token or something commerative. What's on the front side?
  16. F

    Hi from the Barossa Valley

    Thanks for the welcome. @Mystyk59, love Angaston.. one of the last sleepy Barossa towns. Don't get me wrong, gold does interest me, but I figure I'll have more of a chance on finding volume of items hunting for relics and developing proficiency with the detecter than gold which would be more...
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    Hi from the Barossa Valley

    Hi all, I literally haven't prospected since I was a young lad panning for gold (near on 30 years) but now the kids are getting older and I'm looking to start detecting as a hobby, hopefully get one of the kids off the Xbox and out too, but high hopes there :) Plenty of spots around my area...