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7.62marksman said:
Look like some are the same as me and need to sleep lmao
I havent slept in just on 56 hours brain will not shut down
Nothing on tv but my mate keeps me company lol
Online:7.62marksman,davent,ed80,goody2shoes,pinfire opals

Not being able to shut your mind/thoughts off is one of the first signs of depression. Don't wait for any of the other signs to appear. Depression has earned the title of "The Black Dog" for good reason. Take it from me, I know.
Those thoughts are pointing directly to what is causing your restless nights and days, I don't doubt.
Talk to your doctor and unload it all on him. Depression is not a joke. If you are suffering depression then he will likely prescribe anti depressants. There are various techniques that you can use to combat depression but anti depressants do work well and the first thing you will notice when taking them will be that you mind quietens down and your thinking begins to be much more settled.
Step one. See your doctor.
I think there is a lot of people out there "diagnosed" as "depressed" ... that are actually not a " follower" of the BS "status quoe" of what is commercially trusted upon us.
And would just be content with the simple things in life.
Dave law said:
The breathing exercise reefer describes does work. Only thing I do different is hold for 5 seconds before exhaling. Hope you get some sleep soon. Cheers.

There is a better sleep method but its secret ancient tantric yoga knowledge so I cant tell anyone.

So the method is....

Lay down in your usual sleep position . We recommend a bed .

Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the breath passing in and out of your body.

Let the breathing be natural , count each outbreath on the out cycle , but count it starting with 50 and count backwards each time you breathe out.

If you lose count go back to 50 and start again.

You are likely to be fast asleep before you get down to 35 counts.

There is a thing called the liver Chi cycle which in simple terms identifies that the liver and other organs operate on a clock with peaks and troughs of energy and activity.

The human body can become strongest if we sleep around 9 - 9.30 pm as this supports the timing of the liver cycle.

If we stay awake later due to modern day influences the liver becomes weak , out of sync and when we do eventually go to bed our sleep will be of poor quality.

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