Any astro buffs here?

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madtuna said:
Ahh only seen your camera thread plus the general stuff you post on astronomy Adrian.

Mate you post some interesting stuff over there and I'm sure there's people here like myself who'd appreciate seeing some of it here as well.
Same with Baz...any knowledge you can impart about scopes, imaging, mounts etc would be most welcome.

G/Day MT.

Yes mainly doing DSLR stuff now.
When we moved to our current location we had clear skys to the horizon, now we are surrounded by trees and houses. power lines and street lights and the city glow.
I guess the desire to set up the scopes has waned a bit due to the poor seeing conditions.
The few shots that I have taken lately during the early morning hours have been criss crossed with Star- Link satellites
Adrian ss said:
madtuna said:
Ahh only seen your camera thread plus the general stuff you post on astronomy Adrian.

Mate you post some interesting stuff over there and I'm sure there's people here like myself who'd appreciate seeing some of it here as well.
Same with Baz...any knowledge you can impart about scopes, imaging, mounts etc would be most welcome.

G/Day MT.

Yes mainly doing DSLR stuff now.
When we moved to our current location we had clear skys to the horizon, now we are surrounded by trees and houses. power lines and street lights and the city glow.
I guess the desire to set up the scopes has waned a bit due to the poor seeing conditions.
The few shots that I have taken lately during the early morning hours have been criss crossed with Star- Link satellites

And aren't they a pain in the arse?
madtuna said:
Will we like what we find, will we be like what we find and will what we find like us?

Well MT, if they stick probes in our Butts and take sperm samples like some claim, I like them already :inlove:
Yes but , "Its Not Life as We Know it".... Baz... :D

Starlink will be 'fun' once the whole 11,943 sats are up... ... With a 'life' of 5yrs per sat and using 'controlled' de-orbits to bring them down, im getting a Hard Hat... ]:D

Spacex just delayed the launch of the next starlink mission today...

On board was a new type of Sat that had a little 'Sunshield' fitted, to try and prevent the Reflection of the Sun back to Earth and to satisfy the 'Astro Buffs' out there complaining to Elon...... :)

This is for all , the chance of Aliens are 50/50 , but those aliens may just be bugs .

I've looked into what Baz said & that could well be true !

Sad news ,as our sun ages it will destroy earth and in doing so end our semi intelligent life form forever .
Why do I say semi ?
If we had not evolved ( other life forms yes ) this planet would be in much better shape then now , so those of us who ponder ~ The meaning of life can ask again why . :lol:

All my life I have had an a interest in science ' my favorite physicist Richard Feynman a Nobel laureate , this guy was one of the few wonderful clear thinkers last century & a hell of a entertaining good human to boot !


LoneWolf said:
Yes but , "Its Not Life as We Know it".... Baz... :D

Starlink will be 'fun' once the whole 11,943 sats are up... ... With a 'life' of 5yrs per sat and using 'controlled' de-orbits to bring them down, im getting a Hard Hat... ]:D

Spacex just delayed the launch of the next starlink mission today...

On board was a new type of Sat that had a little 'Sunshield' fitted, to try and prevent the Reflection of the Sun back to Earth and to satisfy the 'Astro Buffs' out there complaining to Elon...... :)


If these satellites are to provide world wide internet cover (which I doubt very much) then they will be subject to continuous solar radiation of several kinds.
This radiation already causes havoc for ground based coms and electricity transmissions in the form of ground and ionospheric elec currents.
Imagine what a solar mass ejection and sunspot radiation will cause to these satellites and their internet transmissions ...Hopefully it will smoke em completely.
CreviceSucker said:
madtuna said:
Did you build it Jack? If the Satchmo mirrors can be redone it would have the basics for building a good pier mounted newt :D

And for CreviceSucker I think I've just spent most of his $15000

That C14 celestron sold , very nice scope but 6 months too soon for me , I want to build a house before an observatory.
hmmm...I know building a house an all...but....

these things are 6 1/2 K new. Pop it in the cupboard until after your house is built. Comes in a snazzy pelican case too :D
Shave 3 K off the house build, maybe forgo the posh vanity with flash taps an use a bucket. The kids don't need new bedroom furniture...air mattresses will do :Y:
If it was me? In an SCT I'd go the Celestron Especially having the edge optics.
The Meade has an inch in aperture but I'd much rather the Celestron the edge series have a better and more stable focussing system.

Personally I like refractors like a Takahashi or a good Vixen (I have both) even though for visual aperture is king.

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