Goldtargets 2017 adventures

Prospecting Australia

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Goldpick said:
Same here, hopefully no one else has picked it clean. Best of luck on some nice finds (sovereign holder full of gold will do nicely)! :D
Haha yes the gold sovereign came to my mind straight away as the old bloke was telling me about it, Homer Simpson style. I would like a nice fob somewhere along the line, or a pistol if a sov is getting too greedy.

Surely someone else has been in there before but it looks like hard going either way. Like everyone else I tend to keep pushing until something comes to the surface.
Hey... we're all interested !
We just love pics round ere ;)
Good luck at the cobb & co
I hope you find 2 of everything :D
Murphys Law. Had two at work call in sick so no daylight left after tidying up that mess. Even 4 hours at overtime rates can't compete with knocking off early and/or swinging a machine, but alas that is my lot today. Apologies to anyone following, hopefully the weather holds out to something reasonable to be out in and with a little luck I'll have a bit of a yarn by the end of the weekend.
Well today did not go according to plan. Usually it's the grass nazis to contend with but today's incident went next level. Entered the Cobb and Co site and was doing some trimming when I was stopped by an elderly gent and his wife. All manner of questions were raised during an extended exchange and ended up with the threat of police being called for alleged trespassing. For the record in Victoria you have right of entry under common law, however you must exit if the landowner/leasee asks you to leave unless clear signage is erected indicating no entry allowed. That's why the door knockers can walk up your garden path.

So before things got ugly I did establish the couple were not the landowners/leasee however past practice has taught me if you're questioned about right of entry it's best to be on your merry way regardless. I did however establish that the local council in fact owns the land and lucky for me I have a great relationship with both Parks&Rec and land management so tomorrow I'll be attending the offices to get a printed copy of permission to enter the site. Rain is for cast for Wed so I think I'll be back there very shortly this week. Stay tuned.

After having that false start I was more determined to get some runs on the board than I have for a while, so I hit up 3 neighboring towns, taking in the playgrounds, sports ovals, and primary schools. 9 sites in total, 6 hours total from driving out the driveway to returning home.


Along with that lot the curse of the BB's that didn't turn into a silver haul, and a few interesting finds including 6p, penny, gaming token, junk ring (rang up at 23 which was gold value ID but no hallmarks damn it), heart, junior red cross badge, junk cancer pendant, some mutilated decimals, and modern imitation holey dollar, Definitely some heartache in those finds, so close but so far haha. Still looking for my first Chinese coin.


Cheers GT.
Permission slip signed and sealed from the council on the promise I would give it a good tidy up with the whippersnipper which I was already doing anyways. Weather went full Spring today, hopefully no residential reptiles around before I make an earnest go of it.
Slipped out for a couple hours hitting two towns, did the tennis courts, ovals, primary schools, 4 parks and church hitting the solid tones. One park beside the lake was a little frustrating, must have dug 40 or more screw tops but because it's so trashy the ID scale moves up and down a little, so to get the $2 coins you have to dig some trash. Was a little disappointed after finding my 5 inch coil in the boot after I got home.....if I had of known earlier I'd would have swapped it out. I'll get some pics up of the takings shortly just watching the footy. Safe to say it was a pretty good day out, we'll over $50 dollars, but short of the $100.

Chasing the high tones paid off. As it was pulltab heaven the 10c and 20c count was well down. The hat pin was the most interesting of the junk. On a great streak but after 120km round trip the fuel bill wipes a few out. Slowly having to go further and further from home for hunts, and the ground is quickly drying up. Got a few spots local left, no easy school hunts though.

Anyone struggling for ideas on how to build the tally, especially if out of town then here's a couple of quick tips.
Primary schools and P-12 playground equipment in the chipbark can be a bonanza. My finds are usually triple in a small school as compared to a largish park playground. Also go really slow around the poles, dropping sensitivity if you need to, many of my gold coins come from near the edges of the steel. Listen for a cross repeatable signal with a very slow swing. On my Fisher the tone will "pop" through the low drone of the metal equipment detection. Same goes for pinpointing, just estimate the location, drop the sens on the PP a little and follow the strong signal for extra goldies. I'd estimate 10 - 15% extra finds come from this for me. Walking bridges (wood slatted type) suspended a couple feet in the air are my favorites, rarely do I miss getting at least one coin under here. Handy to know if your short on time.

Next is any grassed seated areas. This is doubled in the shade. Work through the junk and extra coins are found easily.

A few cheapies can be gotten from the bus stop grassed areas, or the pickup/dropoff points. If your lucky you can get the odd spill here.

Lastly don't even bother with sandpit. ...I've never found anything substantial even though I will always do them. Best you can hope for is finding the buried matchbox cars for the kids.

On the sports ovals (Victoria) I always start near the food Window or club rooms and start close by a few feet in from the boundary. Your looking for the kick to kick dropped change. Note where the coins come from in a cluster and work one average kick away parallel. Ive hit many goldies this way. Then head down to either side of the goal square and around the posts, usually I go the closest end to the club rooms again but let your eyes guide you. Maybe it's the non river end so the goal kickers don't lose the ball. Maybe it's the soft end of the ground in shade. Most grounds the favored end will be obvious under the coil. Everyone loves to try and kick the miracle goal. I'll work my way towards the 50m line where the adults and legends try to shoot the long goal usually just inside 50 on about a 15-30 degree angle.

In the parks I start with the tree lines. Imagine it's summer and your wanting shade. Great places to check a parks potential. Even small trees mid park seem to attract human traffic. Also check around the grassed edge of the play equipment (any play equipment) just off the chip bark about 1.5 m wide. Again I would say an extra 5 -10% of my finds come from this strip around equipment.

You can all but forget areas around bins. I have never picked up a stray gold coin in this area ever.

Bus stops and phone boxes are mixed bags but if your lucky you will get a coin spill, I've had a few easy wins here.

Any water bodies are a natural attraction. There's something inside of us that pulls us to the edge. If your park has water start there. The best park days I've had are near the edges of water by far.

Before turning my detector coil to the ground I'm going to cover I'm always looking for signs of activity. If you do this the best spot to start will come naturally. Humans are very predictable, you need only take a minute or 2 tops and the starting place should be obvious.

Also we are creatures of habit, even in different places we still use a reliable decision making process. I think that's why I love coins more than gold. Reading the terrain is much easier because we are only analyzing human interaction with a space, and that's a reliability that will put coins in your pocket on a consistant basis.

Out on the footy oval where the local regional grandfinal was played yesterday. $7+ in sunbakers, haha, no detector needed. Got heckled pretty relentlessly by those attending Mad Monday celebrations but not before pocketing over $15 in change mostly no dig surface finds, in less than 20 mins. Even got called a "tight ar$e" haha, maybe he had a point. I left before the fun got out of hand but I'll be back tomorrow, if the party goers haven't all left at least the numbers will be well down on tbe 70 odd there today. Could be a really profitable hunt if I can get some time in.
Yep - great amount of spendables there :party: I bet you felt very satisfied :Y:

Don't worry about the fuel bill,that applies to all of us :)
Haha well he was barking up the wrong tree...I'd make a terrible wife, just ask mine.

Snagged 3 rings, 2 silver one junk and enough rattles to buy a 2 litre coffee and some Maccas as Mrs GT was unavailable for kitchen duties tonight.

I did start out braving the tall grass on Cobb & Co until the first little brown snake got tangled up in the whippersnipper. Old mate the Italian in the paddock beside heard me cursing and semi fleeing and waved me over. Showed me all the snake tracks heading in and out between the sites, so if the one I saw wasn't enough to put me off, the thought of many more did.

Brandishing the beautiful old shotgun in his right hand he says " I'd be happy to shorten them up if you want to keep flushing them out." I think it might go on the back burner, I'm obviously too deep into spring, gaitors or not, there's a big difference between brave and stupid.

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