What to do if you come across this in the bush!

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Mike70 said:
What about the poor ole Yowie? Sighting of it have gone quiet. You think maybe the panthers could take out the Yowies? or Bigfoots, or whatever. We don't know whats moving around out there.
I still believe in the "Bunyip" from the weekend drives we went on as a child out on the Sth Gippsland Hwy -thru Bunyip--BooWhaaaa-ha ha haaaa........ :eek:
Go to kangaroo island. You use to be able to buy cat. Skins there from feral cats. Some of them are huge.
Jaros said:
Mike70 said:
What about the poor ole Yowie? Sighting of it have gone quiet. You think maybe the panthers could take out the Yowies? or Bigfoots, or whatever. We don't know whats moving around out there.
I still believe in the "Bunyip" from the weekend drives we went on as a child out on the Sth Gippsland Hwy -thru Bunyip--BooWhaaaa-ha ha haaaa........ :eek:
Do you remember the hobyahs , the old man used to freak me out with that story many years ago. They used to come creep creep creeping and little dog dingo did his best but got all his legs cut off cause he wouldn't stop barking.
I used to shoot feral cats about 3/4 the size of a full grown Labrador.
And they ain.t a real nice thing to corner.
When I would line them up in the scope, I could not believe the size of them.
But that picture in the beginning would worry me.
The tail is to long for a feral moggy.
some thing is wrong.
If you caught 2 giant feral cats and kept them in captivity, would the offspring grow up to be regular size house cats or giants? I.e. Is it a case of a fish growing to accomodate it's bowl or will it outgrow it's bowl?
Brumble-Gum said:
Any big cat behavioral experts on this forum?

Slow movements?
Slow blinking/no eye contact?
Slow steady movements?

Forget climbing a tree and be quicker than your detecting companion!

Nah BG...just carry a big boom stick.. :p ;) :lol:
davent said:
Wonder what the blackfella, s thought when the 1st cattle hit our shores?
A huge 4 legged black and white animal with huge horns coming from its head, and lets out a ferocious roar.....MOOOOOO!
Woulda fought the beast until it was stone cold dead, then called the tribe to help bring it on in so they could cook the huge sucker and share the bounty ,... paint rock art of the feat, create new dances and work on strategies for if another terrible MooooOoo beast should ever show up again. 8) ;) :cool:
And a lotta different ways they invented to use the stick too ! ;)
8) A stick ain't just a stick, as long as it ain't just any old stick ,.... cause even then, it could still be a fire stick. ;)
i always got told as a young fella that the big cats (lion&pumas) from kryal castle were released around Creswick bush

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