Not a total newbie from Sydney

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Mar 3, 2021
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G'day folks,

My Name is Dave and from the St George area of Sydney. In my early 60's, still working (not allowed to retire yet).

I'm not a total newbie in Metal detecting but not super experienced either. A few years back I dabbled in detecting but due to life getting in the way too much, I didn't continue with it.

I had bought a new Bounty Hunter 4 or whatever it was called and whilst i found a few coins and stuff, I wished I had bought a better machine at the onset as the BH felt a bit like a toy really.

Anyway fast forward 12 years and I want to get back into it as a friend of mine has just re-ignited my passion recently when his wife bought him a new Minelab Gold Monster.

I'm happy to see that Minelab has also recently introduced some new models in the past couple of years and now I'm super interested in investing in a new machine very soon.

My pick of machines I'm interested in are : Minelab Vanquish 540 with the Pro pack and Minelab Equinox 800 with the Gold function.
As most of you would know that these machines are multi- frequency giving the best of most detecting worlds.

If anyone has better suggestions I'd like the hear them.

Are there many members here from the St George area of Sydney that get together regularly for a detector session?

Cheers & regards

Dave. :cool:
Hi Dave..welcome to the Forum.I get the impression your a man on a mission mate! :Y: I've been at this game for awhile now...doesn't help to look back too many year :lol:
But I've only in the last 3-4 years had experience with the 705X Terra gold pack....I've upgraded to a 15'' coil..I love that thing...but I digress, :lol: Your intentions of up grading your gear to the Equinox 800 gold function is a good one...There are plenty of very experienced detector gurus here and their all great people to boot!
You might like to rattle off 10 posts and the forum will open up The Members Section...that's where you'll find us mainly..Kindest Regards Rossco.
reefer said:
Hi Dave..welcome to the Forum.I get the impression your a man on a mission mate! :Y: I've been at this game for awhile now...doesn't help to look back too many year :lol:
But I've only in the last 3-4 years had experience with the 705X Terra gold pack....I've upgraded to a 15'' coil..I love that thing...but I digress, :lol: Your intentions of up grading your gear to the Equinox 800 gold function is a good one...There are plenty of very experienced detector gurus here and their all great people to boot!
You might like to rattle off 10 posts and the forum will open up The Members Section...that's where you'll find us mainly..Kindest Regards Rossco.

Thanks for the welcome Rossco. Yes I'm kind of studying up on all the latest gear before I make my decision. The Equinox seems like the ideal machine however it's almost twice the price of the Vanguish 540. is that much a big deal?

I know the Vanguish doesn't have a waterproof control box, but even on the beach, is that a deal breaker?

I see you're from Shell Harbour area so beach prospecting wold be easy to get to.

The Terra Gold Pack you have, does it go well with general relic & coin hunting too?


Get the equinox 800.
You wont be disappointed.
Takes the worry out of getting it wet, if you were using the 540 it will be in the back of your mind and becomes a distraction which you dont need

My son and myself have been detecting different parks in Sydney and cleaning up with the 800