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sean bishop
Jan 11, 2013
Reaction score
thanx for the invite, i think i will learn a few things here. I haven't done a great deal of prospecting at all(nothing with a detector) but have enjoyed what i have done. Living in the upper hunter valley and not too sure whats around here, any suggestions would be appreciated. Pretty partial to wetting a line as well but with house reno's haven't had much time to do anything at all,so the reno's can wait a little bit longer and this boy is gonna get the kids involved in outdoor activities and off the computer toys ;)
Hey mate, welcome :)

What interests you the most, gem fossicking, gold panning or metal detecting? There's a few of us on here from the Hunter that could possibly help you out with some of those.

Once we get a few more Members we'll be announcing some "kid friendly" prospecting and fossicking trips which will also involve camping and a bit of fishing, so that might be a great way to get a little more acquainted with the hobby.

If you make a minimum of 5 posts before the 31st of this month you will be eligible to win a Garrett Deluxe Gold Panning Kit, its a random draw so everyone that meets the minimum 5 post requirement is in with a chance. Good Luck :D

I look forward to seeing you around the forum.
ok nuggets, just tried to log on under my first registration but i wasn't allowed, i requested a new password and it still wouldn't allow me so i have had to reregister with the missuses email address. I don't know what has happened but it is probably my mistake. can you fix this up for me please??
Hey Bisho, in the password reset email there should be an activation link, you need to click on that then log in with the new password that has been automatically generated. Please try this and report back.
sorry nuggets sorted it out, certainly pays to use correct password. i registered in as bisho 65 before but that is also me. can you delete bisho 65 please??
welcome bisho and i hope you enjoy and learn from the forum cheers Terry