First proper go at a coin hunt with my new Nox

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Jul 21, 2013
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Hi all -- finally decided to purchase an Equinox 800 from a mate who only used it a few times.

Spent the first day or two just learning it's ways in the yard and for a quick swing at a local park where I picked up a few moderns and a three pence (1936). Then today decided to do a few hours at the old primary school oval. Was only expecting to find some modern coins as I didn't think the oval was that old, but was pleasantly surprised to pull out a few silvers... although not the best condition. I did do a quick bicarb clean and also threw them into the ultrasonic cleaner but didn't seem to help much... any ideas, or just accept them as they are?




(sorry not the best photos, lighting poor and crappy phone camera)

In any case I'm pretty chuffed with the detector so far. Looking forward to trying it for the first time down at the beaches in the coming days! :)
Great finds... only thing being that not even parents are being allowed into school grounds atm because of C19 risks
Stay safe..... perhaps outside the school grounds in the treeline where there could still be finds off school property.

myself... I'd give it a go here.

And it's just two blocks away from the railway station.

Not wanting to say where you are of course.


And once again... hit that tree line lol
:power: :cool: :Y:
Thanks for the tips Silver, though just to clarify I meant the old, no longer running, primary school. The oval is only used by some locals for letting the dogs run about and a section used for footy practice some days. Ah -- just looked at your pics and realised the second one is exactly the place I went, haha. Now I'm wondering who you are as you clearly know who, or at least where I am! :lol:
If you're not worried about their value soak em in lemon juice overnight then give em the bicarb rub. Repeat if necessary.
Thanks Dave - will give that a go for the worse-off ones as I think they're way too far gone to have much value beyond their weight in silver anyway. I'd just like to clean them up a bit for viewing pleasure in my own collection. :Y:
Just a wild guess navieko... lol
But I did use a bit of insider information.
Glad your havin a win :perfect:
( and I'm so in the dark, and so far away as to knowing anything personal or private about ya.... so your still incognito) ;) ;)
Ah righto I gotcha, some good detective work there mate! Had me scratching my head as I didn't think you were from up my way :lol:

Just did some research on the old primary school here and realised it was actually founded back in 1892, so much older than I realised! Bodes well for finding some more oldies I reckon, might head back for a few hours and see if I can't pull out some more silvers, hopefully some in better condition!