First find that wasn't a coin...

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Sep 12, 2013
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I'M pretty sure its worth nothing but for me it was my first find that wasn't a coin....Can anyone one tell me anything about it ????
Any find is a good find ...... Not sure but son was into Dungeons & Dragons type games looks like something they would have as part of their 'role playing' scene.
Then again could be 100 miles off the track.
Cheers Tom
lol...Thanks guys for the thoughts on what it is, i have worked out its made of lead.I found it in the wet sand and pretty deep to,on a beach on the Broadwater of the gold coast...Its now just a talking piece for us,although my son thinks it has magic powers to control
Nice find. Don't think it's from the Dungeons and Dragons thing as lead was banned donkeys back for toy making. The Chinese had items like these kept as charms, maybe one of those.
But then again, it could be my mother-in-law.
Looks to be a fairly modern depiction of a dragon...and definitely not in the asian style.