Dont drink water and Drive in QLD..

Prospecting Australia

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I guess in the the beginning a lot of these rules and regulations were put in place with the good intention of saving lives on our roads, but as time has gone on its got out of hand and progressed to things like static cameras and mobile cameras, even to the point where now they are hidden in the rear of vehicles and just parked on the side of the road to catch you out, any reason they can come up with is a good enough reason nowadays to fine you.

I don't believe at all that all this has helped lower the road toll, an idiot behind the wheel is still going to be an idiot behind the wheel no matter what they are fined or how many times they are caught you only have to watch the traffic cops shows and news to realise that's a fact, the serial dropkicks with multiple offences and deaths under their belts are the ones that they need to get off the roads, fining the old fart, worker, or stressed out mum driving the kids to school doing 5-6 ks over the limit will not stop deaths on the roads but has simply make more people lose respect for the law and the stupid outdated money greedy system.

The reality is that they don't really want to save lives because if they did they would try harder to get the idiots off the road for good, which they are currently failing at doing now, so imposing more fines is all about MONEY nothing more, revenue raising is the name of the game, there are too parasites feeding off the system as it is so if the fining stopped and all the revenue that's currently being raised dried up they would be out of work, its even to the point that fine revenue raised by static cameras and such is factored in to government budgets so the fact is they simply can not do without it and are always looking at new ways to increase the income.

Fact of the matter is they need to get more cops out and about and back on the roads, don't get me wrong I have enormous respect for the police and for service they provide and totally agree with booze buses, roadside drug testing, and hand held police cameras, as I can see the value in those actions but the truth is you see very little of that these days, for the police its largely a thankless job and they cop the abuse from the public but unfortunately they have to do their job whether they agree with the rules or not, but the real villains are the ones that impose the regulations in the first place, these are the ones more interested in the money than the saving of lives.


Well the fine amount doesnt match the offence, so maybe more here than meets the eye.