Recent content by Kylie

Prospecting Australia

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  1. Kylie

    Australian History

    You got it mbasko :D
  2. Kylie

    Australian History

    Argh, I'm no good at asking questions; What ship was known as the Floating Brothel? (I'm really into convict history) (I'm nugget's wife btw ;) )
  3. Kylie

    Australian History

    Squizzy stole Fred Walker (manufactorer of Vegemite's) brand new card to 'do errands'.
  4. Kylie

    Gold Rush TV Series information

    I really dislike Dakota Fred. It does seem very weird that they invest so much money yet they don't seem to do much research or planning first.
  5. Kylie


    Hi all, Its nuggets wife here. I occasionally tag along on some of his metal detecting adventures (as he calls them) but don't get too involved myself as I'm kept on my toes with our 4 month old. I'm looking forward to family detecting trips once our little man is older :)